Use this true story in your Devotional group or Sunday School class to encourage them.
The Boy who prayed for himselfThere was a young boy who had a leaky heart.
Bill’s heart was taking a long time to get well. His grown up friend Jo talked to him about God.
“I know all about God,” he replied. “God is in this room, only you can’t see Him ‘cause He’s invisible. And Jesus is in this room, only you can’t see Him ‘cause He’s invisible.”
“Yes. Isn’t that funny?” his friend Jo said.
“Not to me, it isn’t.”
So Jo knew that Bill understood Jesus was with him.
Jo decided to give Bill some clues about praying for his healing.
How about playing a game with me?” Jo said. “Pretend you’re a big guy at high school and you’re on the football team.
Shut your eyes and see yourself holding the ball and running ahead of the others.
‘Look at that guy!’ the other kids will say. ‘Just look at him run!
Boy, he’s strong! I bet he’s got a strong heart!”
Then you say
‘Thank you God, because that’s the way it’s going to be.’
Play that game every night, right after you say your prayer”
When Jo left Bill was grinning.
It was a month later when Jo returned.
Bill had been to the doctor with Mum. The doctor had said Bill’s heart was normal.
“Have you been playing my pretend game, Bill?” Jo asked.
Bill’s face lit up with a delighted grin. “Sure have!” he cried.
He had played the game and discovered a truth.
God is with us to work goodness and health in us if we ask and welcome Him.
God didn’t want Bill to have a leaky heart. Learn more in the Kids Pages. Download God's Spirit: Prayer that works for free.