Friday, March 30, 2007

Bible Study: The Beginning

Share this truth with your Sunday School, Bible Study and Devotions group.

Did You Know?
God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were together before creation

Genesis 1:26 (God said) Let us make human beings in our ...likeness.

John 1:1-18 Jesus was with God in the beginning
Genesis 1:1-2 In the beginning…..God’s spirit was moving...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sunday School:Colour this.

Share this picture with your Sunday School, Kids Club and Devotions group

Monday, March 26, 2007

Devotions:Pilgrim's story

Share Pilgrim's experiences with your Bible Study, Kids Club and Sunday School young people to enrich their Christian life.
When ever you are stuck in trouble call to Jesus to help you

Pilgrim's Progress

As Christian went on his way he received advice from a confident traveller.
“Hello young man,” called Know-it–all Worldly Wiseman.

I see you have a heavy burden on your back!”

“Yes,” he groaned “But no matter how hard I try, I just can’t get it off!”

Don’t worry,” smiled Mr Worldly Wiseman my friend, Mr. Legality, is an expert at removing burdens.

But Christian saw that Mr. Legality’s house, was on top of a rocky mountain.
He was afraid the rocks might fall on his head.

Just in time Mr. Evangelist came by and showed Christian the way to the Wicket Gate.
As Christian ran to the Wicket Gate someone began shooting arrows at him from a near by castle.
It was the wicked Prince Beelzebub.

“Let me in!” he cried.
The gatekeeper, Mr Goodwill, threw open the door and hurried Christian inside.

Christian was safe-for a while at least.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday School: More of Pilgrim

Friends often discourage us from trying to make progress in our Christian experience and if we take too much notice of others opinions and feel sorry for ourselves we will wallow in a bog of self pity. This was Christian's experience.

Share this truth with your Sunday School and Bible Study scholars.

Pilgrims Progress - the story...
Christian was running toward the wicket gate to find the way to the Heavenly city.
He had a burden of worry and trouble on his back.

Christian’s friends called to him to come back but he knew he must find the King.

On his way to the gate Christian slipped.
SPLOOSH! He fell into a big muddy swamp.
“Oooh, save me! He cried. “I’m sinking!”
A man named Help rescued Christian.
Then Christian went on his way once again.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Sunday School: Pilgrim's Progress

Tell this true message to your Bible Study, Kids Club and Devotions group to strengthen them in their walk of faith.

Pilgrims Progress
The story John Bunyan wrote on scraps of paper while he spent years in prison for telling people about Jesus.

This story that John wrote was really a story about himself.
Read about his thoughts. He was Christian in the story

Christian felt so lonely and sad.

He read his Bible and searched for the way.
That’s when he met Evangelist.

“What shall I do?” he asked.
“No one can help me.
My friends laugh at me.
They call me back.
Please help me.”

Evangelist pointed the way to the wicket gate.

“ Go straight there, Knock, and you will be told what to do.”
Christian could just see a tiny door in a large gate.
He started to run as fast as his burden would let him.

He would never give up now.
There had to be an answer to this terrible problem.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Devotions: Pilgrims Progress

Tell your Bible Study, Sunday School and Kids Club this delightful story.
It is a classic. In the Kids Pages it is told as a serial story.

Pilgrims Progress
The story John Bunyan wrote on scraps of paper while he spent years in prison for telling people about Jesus.

Christian felt nervous and excited all at once.
Excited because he had discovered a wonderful place in his Bible - Heavenly City.

It was a place of peace and joy.

He was nervous because he wasn’t sure how to get there.

He knew he had to find a Person who knew the Way.
If he stayed where he was he would be destroyed.

There was a heavy burden of worry and trouble on his back.
He felt so lonely and sad.

Christian read his Bible and searched for the way.
That’s when he met Evangelist.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sunday School: Bible

Knowledge to share with your Bible Study, Sunday School and Devotions group.

The Bible is a library of books. How many?

39 books in the first part and 27 in the second.
Is the sum right?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sunday School: Creation

Share this crossword with your Bible Study, Sunday School and Devotions groups.

Answers to crossword Across: 1.angels 2.hid 3.Adam 4.out 5 serpent

Down:1 animals 3.ate 6.fruit 7.lied

Adam and Eve
Crossword Across
1. The _ _ _ _ _ _ guarded the gate to the garden.
2. In shame, Adam and Eve _ _ _ from God.
3. _ _ _ _ was second to eat the forbidden fruit.
4. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tempted Eve to eat the fruit (snake)

1 Adam named the _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3.Eve _ _ _ the forbidden fruit.
6. Adam and Eve were not to eat the _ _ _ _ _ of the tree in the middle of the garden .
7.The serpent _ _ _ _ to Eve (did not tell the truth).

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bible Study: God Said..

This is an important conclusion to your creation teaching for your Kids Club, Devotions and Bible Study group.

The first people lived in a garden.
It was called the Garden of Eden.

When they followed Satan they had given away the authority that God had given them. 2 Corinthians 4:4

Now Satan is god of this world.
He is always busy making trouble.

God had said,
Fill the earth and be its master.

Rule over every living thing ....”

Genesis 1:27 (New contemporary Version)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Bible Study: The Choice

Importamt conclusions for your Sunday School, Kids Club or Bible Study class.

The first people lived in a garden.
It was called the Garden of Eden.
There were trees pleasing
to the eye and good for food.

God saw that it was very good but…
people spoiled it

Instead of peace... they would have trouble.
Instead of love ...they would be selfish.
Instead of health ... sickness would come.
Instead of life forever ... death would come

Because they had chosen Satan’s way;
They had put Satan before God
they lost the covering of God’s glorious presence about them.

Learn more in the Kids Pages. Download Getting the Record Straight: People Problems for free.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Bible Study:Garden of Eden

Share this message withe your Bible Study, Sunday School or Devotions group.

There were two special trees in the middle of the beautiful garden;
* the tree of life and
* the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil.

God told Adam and Eve that they could eat from any tree in the garden except The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

If they ate of this tree they would die.

Satan disguised as a snake said to Eve, “You will not die.’’

He was lying

So Eve ate the fruit and gave some to
Adam and he ate it.

They immediately knew something
bad had happened.

They felt naked and they sewed clothes for themselves.

They were ashamed and hid from God.

God knew what they had done.

Because they had chosen Satan’s way;
They had put Satan before God.
They lost the covering of God’s glorious presence about them.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Bible Study:Eden-Where Is It?

Share these maps with your Sunday School, Bible Study and Kids Club students.

The first people lived in a garden.
It was called the Garden of Eden.

The top map is an up-close view of the rectangle in the larger map.

Can you find the Garden of Eden?

Find your country.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sunday School:Dinosaurs in History

Share these graphics with your Bible Study, Kids Club and Devotions group children.

Notice the X-ray of a man compared to a dinosaur skeleton.

Stories and drawings of dragons are often found in early history.

The flag of Wales shows a dragon.

The story of Saint George and the dragon is a legend of a really brave soldier who is said to have killed a dragon.
The Bible describes dinosaurs in Job 40:15-24.
It says dinosaurs and man were created on the same day Genesis 1: 24-26 and Job 40:15
"Look at the land beast, behemoth. I created him as well as you."

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Sunday School: Dinosaurs

These is interesting information for your Sunday School, Bible Study and Devotions group.

The word dinosaur was not invented until 1841.
Our English Bible was prepared in 1611.
The word in Job describing the dinosaur was ‘ behemoth.'

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sunday School: Water Dwelling Dinosaur

Share this information with your Sunday Schoo,l Bible Study and Kids Club children.

Description of a water dwelling dinosaur Job 41: 1-5
We use the word plesiosaur
The Bible describes ‘ the fierce leviathan’

1 .... can you pull in the sea beast, Leviathan, with a fly rod?

2 Can you lasso him with a rope,
or snag him with an anchor?

5 Will you play with him as if he were a pet goldfish?

7 Could you shoot him full of arrows like a pin cushion,
or drive harpoons into his huge head?

8 If you so much as lay a hand on him,
you won’t live to tell the story.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Sunday School: The Bible and Dinosaurs

Answers to blanks : dinosaur, 1611, behemoth

This is important knowledge for the Bible Study,Kids Club and Sunday School children.

Complete these blanks. The answers are above.

The word _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was not invented until 1841.
Our English Bible was prepared in _ _ _ _
The word in Job describing the dinosaur was ‘ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ’
The word ‘dinosaur’ means ‘terrible lizard’

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Bible Study: Job 40:15-24

Share this description of a dinosaur with your Bible Study, Sunday School and Devotions kids.

Read the description of a dinosaur Job 40: 15-24
Look at behemoth, which I created as well as you (people).

15“Look at the land beast, Behemoth. I created him as well as you.
Grazing on grass, docile as a cow—

16Just look at the strength of his back,
the powerful muscles of his belly.

17His tail sways like a cedar in the wind;
his huge legs are like beech trees.

18His skeleton is made of steel,
every bone in his body hard as steel.

19Most magnificent of all my creatures,
but I still lead him around like a lamb!

20The grass-covered hills serve him meals,
while field mice frolic in his shadow.

21He takes afternoon naps under shade trees,
cools himself in the reedy swamps,

22Lazily cool in the leafy shadows
as the breeze moves through the willows.

23And when the river rages he doesn’t budge,
stolid and unperturbed even when the river goes wild.

24But you’d never want him for a pet—

Learn more in the Kids Pages. Download Getting the Record Straight: Dinosaurs Too for free.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Devotions: Creation Days

Tell your Kids Club, Bible Study and Sunday School people this important fact.

People were the pinnacle of God's creation.

God created animals and man on the same day.
People were to rule over the earth and to be responsible.
Dinosaurs would have been created on the same day with the other animals.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Bible Study: God Made It

Share this special emphasis from the scripture with your Kids Club, Bible Study and Sunday School group.
Read it for yourself.

These Bible verses are from Genesis chapter 1 the Message translation

24.Then God said, “Let the earth be filled with animals.
And let each produce more of its own kind.
Let there be tame animals and small crawling animals and wild animals.

And let each produce more of its kind.”
And it happened…….

26.Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image and likeness. ….

Let them rule over the tame animals, over all the earth and over all the small crawling animals on the earth.

31 God looked over everything he had made; it was so good, so very good!

It was evening, it was morning—

Day Six.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Devotions: John Bunyan's Achievements

Share with the Sunday School, Kids Club and Bible Study young people the wonderful result from John's faithfulness.

The Declaration of Independence

At the time John became a Christian it was forbidden to preach about Jesus in the streets.

John did it anyway and he went to prison for this.

John Bunyan wrote a story about himself on scraps of paper while he was a prisoner.
He called the story ‘Pilgrims Progress.’
The book became very famous and it is now regarded as a classic.

You might have read it or heard about it.
He was imprisoned for twelve years.

John’s wife sold home-made lace and John made shoe laces in prison.
For good behaviour and because he was trusted by the jailors he was allowed to sell the laces.
while chained to the outside of the prison walls.
He was free in 1672.

The law was changed so people could speak about Jesus outside a church.
Notice: The law of England was changed because John was faithful to Jesus.

Learn more in the Kids Pages. Download Getting the Record Straight: Dinosaurs Too for free.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Devotions: John Bunyan

Share this information with your Sunday School, Bible Study and Kids Club about John Bunyan as he grew into adulthood.

The law of England was changed because John found Jesus

John Bunyan (1628-1688) from Bedford England

He had often been in trouble as a boy for poaching - catching fish and rabbits on other peoples property.
But then John's heart was changed.

The wild reckless boy became a determined follower of Jesus.

Instead of his work as a tinker (mender of pots and pans) he became an author of a famous book.

Instead of a boisterous personality he became a magnetic preacher.

It happened when John’s wife taught him to read the Bible and he accepted Jesus as his friend.

John became a Christian.

He often told others about Jesus which in those days was against the law.
John went to Bedford prison for this.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Devotions: John Bunyan

Share this story from history with your Sunday School, Bible Study and Kids Club children.

The Story of John Bunyan 1628—1688

John lived in Bedfordshire - England

John Bunyan was an outstanding person.
Outstanding because he had red hair; he was athletic and had a reputation for reckless behaviour and swearing.

In fact most people did not want John to have anything to do with their children.

He had one sister and two brothers but not really any friends.

Although John went to school for a while, he didn’t learn much.
He was mostly good at stealing fruit and things .
He would climb the fence to private property and hope it wasn’t noticed.

He would break the law by catching fish and hunting rabbits and other small birds and animals.
Then his conscience would worry him when he lay awake at night thinking.

He wondered what God would do with him.

But God had a big plan for John.

When he married his wife taught him to read from her Bible.

Then…. God did it!

John became outstandingly brave and bold -a champion for God.

God made him outstandingly brave.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sunday School: God's Words

Teach your children from Kids Club, Bible Study, Sunday School and Devotions group this truth.

God actually made the world out of nothing—just words!

All these Bible verses tell you about it.


God said…...and it was so
Genesis 1;3,6,9,11,20,24,26

God’s command brings into being what did not exist. Romans 4:17

The universe was created by God’s word so that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen. Hebrews 11:3

The Lord created the heavens by his command, the sun, moon and stars by his spoken word
When he spoke the world was created; everything appeared at his command. Psalm 33:4,9

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Bible Study: It Was Good

Share with your students at Kids Club, Bible Study and Sunday School that all that God created was very good.

Genesis 1: 26-31

Read it for yourself from the Bible
We have printed special verses from Genesis chapter 1 from the Message version

26God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature
So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea,
the birds in the air, the cattle,
And, yes, Earth itself,
and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.
27God created human beings;
he created them godlike,
Reflecting God’s nature.
He created them male and female.

28God blessed them:
“Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge!
Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air,
for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth.”

31God looked over everything he had made; it was so good, so very good!
It was evening, it was morning— Day Six.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Bible Study: Made by God

Share these truths of the Scriptures with your Sunday School, Bible Study and Kids Club young people.

Genesis 1 : Made by God

1First this: God created the Heavens and Earth—all you see, all you don’t see.

2Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness.

3God spoke: “Light!” And light appeared.

4God saw that light was good and separated light from dark.

5God named the light Day, he named the dark Night.
It was evening, it was morning— Day One.
Bible version: The Message

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Sunday School: Shine!

Use this colouring chart as an activity in your Kids Club, Devotions or Sunday School class.

Let Your Light Shine

Colour alll the one spaces one colour. Colour the two spaces another colour.