Devotional:Helping the Captain

The Boy Who Helped the Captain
In the middle of the ocean Captain Coutts knew he was sick –very sick. Perhaps he would die.
As he was a long way from home and doctors he became very worried. He lay on his bed in his cabin and thought about God. He wondered about God and dying. How could he find out?
He sent for the first mate and asked him to bring his Bible and read to him. But the first mate didn’t have a Bible and even the second mate said he didn’t know anything about God and praying and all that.

So the captain said find someone who has a Bible and can pray for me.
Will was the boy who helped the cook in the ship’s kitchen. He used to read a Bible when he had finished work.
The sailors searched the ship and found Will. “Do you have a Bible?” they asked. “Take it quickly to the captain’s cabin. He is very sick and wants a Bible.”
Will went quickly.
Will read the part that his mother read to him before he left home. Isaiah 53: 5 (ICB)
Mother says, “You should put you name in it”, Will explained.
“Alright” said the captain “Use my name, John Coutts.” So Will read…
But he-Jesus-was wounded for the wrong things-John Coutts- did.
He was crushed for the evil things-John Coutts-did.
The punishment, which made-John Coutts- well, was given to him.
And –John Coutts-is healed because of his wounds.
“That’s it. That’s what I need. Thank you Will”
The captain rested as he thought of being in God’s family.
He had found peace at last.
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