Sunday School: Water Dwelling Dinosaur

Share this information with your Sunday Schoo,l Bible Study and Kids Club children.
Description of a water dwelling dinosaur Job 41: 1-5
We use the word plesiosaur
The Bible describes ‘ the fierce leviathan’
1 .... can you pull in the sea beast, Leviathan, with a fly rod?
2 Can you lasso him with a rope,
or snag him with an anchor?
5 Will you play with him as if he were a pet goldfish?
7 Could you shoot him full of arrows like a pin cushion,
or drive harpoons into his huge head?
8 If you so much as lay a hand on him,
you won’t live to tell the story.
7 Could you shoot him full of arrows like a pin cushion,
or drive harpoons into his huge head?
8 If you so much as lay a hand on him,
you won’t live to tell the story.
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