Devotions: John Bunyan's Achievements

Share with the Sunday School, Kids Club and Bible Study young people the wonderful result from John's faithfulness.
The Declaration of Independence
At the time John became a Christian it was forbidden to preach about Jesus in the streets.
John did it anyway and he went to prison for this.
John Bunyan wrote a story about himself on scraps of paper while he was a prisoner.
He called the story ‘Pilgrims Progress.’
The book became very famous and it is now regarded as a classic.
You might have read it or heard about it.
He was imprisoned for twelve years.
He was imprisoned for twelve years.
John’s wife sold home-made lace and John made shoe laces in prison.
For good behaviour and because he was trusted by the jailors he was allowed to sell the laces.
while chained to the outside of the prison walls.
He was free in 1672.
The law was changed so people could speak about Jesus outside a church.
Notice: The law of England was changed because John was faithful to Jesus.
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