Devotions: John Bunyan

Share this information with your Sunday School, Bible Study and Kids Club about John Bunyan as he grew into adulthood.
The law of England was changed because John found Jesus
John Bunyan (1628-1688) from Bedford England
He had often been in trouble as a boy for poaching - catching fish and rabbits on other peoples property.
But then John's heart was changed.
But then John's heart was changed.
The wild reckless boy became a determined follower of Jesus.
Instead of his work as a tinker (mender of pots and pans) he became an author of a famous book.
Instead of a boisterous personality he became a magnetic preacher.
Instead of his work as a tinker (mender of pots and pans) he became an author of a famous book.
Instead of a boisterous personality he became a magnetic preacher.
It happened when John’s wife taught him to read the Bible and he accepted Jesus as his friend.
John became a Christian.
He often told others about Jesus which in those days was against the law.
John went to Bedford prison for this.
John went to Bedford prison for this.
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