Bible Study Curriculum: Elisha

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The Oil That Never Ran Out
One day a lady came to Elisha .
She was very upset.
She was related to the prophets.
Her husband had died and worse still, a man her husband owed money to, came to get the money.
The lady didn’t have the money so the man said he would take the boys and they could be his slaves.
Everybody was troubled.
Elisha asked, ‘What have you got in your house?”
“ Only one pot of oil,” she said.
“Go and borrow every jar, bottle and bowl you can and fill it with the oil and sell the oil.
Then you will have enough to pay the debt.”
The mother did as Elisha said.
The boys helped her and the oil kept lasting until every pot was full.
The oil never ran out.
So the mother paid back the money and the boys were safe.
Learn more in the kids Pages. Download God's Spirit: The Oil That Never Ran Out for free.
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