Devotions: Armenian History

This is a wonderul story of God's grace and mans ability to receive it.
Use it in your Kids Club, Devotional and Sunday School classes.
God’s Spirit brings change in Armenia
Christianity first came to Armenia in the year 287AD.
It began as the young Saint Gregory is wondering if he dares return home to his beloved Armenia.
He had fallen out of favour with the king and been exiled from the country, but in exile he has heard of Jesus.
He returns but the king has him thrown into the deepest dungeon of the castle to die of starvation.
But already the king’s sister has become a Christian too and steals down dank stone stairs to the dark foul smelling dungeon, hiding a loaf of bread or goat’s milk beneath her cloak. For fourteen years she manages to keep the saint alive.
Then a strange insanity seizes the king but no one can help.
“Gregory could help you,” his sister suggests.
“His bones are rotting beneath this very castle,” the king retorts.
He is alive,” she says softly.
So Gregory is brought from the dungeon, his hair as white as the snow on Mt. Ararat, but sound in mind and spirit.

In the name of Jesus Christ, he rebukes the demon tormenting the king and in that instant the king is healed.
In the year 301, the king and Gregory work together to tell everyone about Jesus.
Learn more in the Kids Pages. Download God's Spirit: Cheating Death for free.
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