Bible Study Curriculum: Ezekiel

Use this dramatic message to teach a great spiritual truth to your Sunday School Scholars, Kids Club and Bible Study members.
A Valley of Bones. What’s it mean?
When God’s people were forced to live in a distant land God sent them a 'cheer up’ message.
It was really Ezekiel’s vision (a picture in his mind).
He saw a great valley and everywhere dry bones.
God said, “Tell these bones to come alive and have flesh and skin.”
Ezekiel did and all over the valley it was like an army of dead men.
Then they stood up –alive!
This was God’s message to the people in Ezekiel's time.
Like the army of dead men they too would live again in their own land.
The message for us:
God puts new life in people - in their bodies and their spirit.
Learn more in the Kids Pages. Download God's spirit: Cheating death for free.
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