Devotional: Tragedy

Remind Kids Club, Bible Study and Sunday School scholars of the necessity to take seriously God's guidance to us even when we are young.
In the period around 1905 many families in Armenia packed up and left their ancestral property in obedience to the vision Efim had had from God.
Yet many people couldn’t believe that God would give them instructions so they remained.
But the instructions proved correct.
In 1914 a period of unimaginable horror arrived for Armenia.
With cruel efficiency the Turks began driving two thirds of the population out into the Mesopotanian desert.
Over a million men, women and children died in these marches, including every inhabitant of Kara Kala.
Another half a million were killed in their villages.
The few Armenians who managed to escape told stories of great bravery.
Some were asked to deny their faith to save their lives.
Those who took notice of the warning of the Boy Prophet and left for America, heard the news with dismay.
Learn more in the Kids Pages. Download God's Spirit: A Boy Hears God for free.
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