Sunday School: Baby's Ears

My baby had been ill for six weeks with abscessed ears.
I prayed desperately that God would heal the child.
My mind was filled with thoughts of fear and of bitterness, and these are not of God, God is love, and perfect love casts out fear.
So God could not go through me to heal my baby for there was a break in the pipeline that connected me with Him; Yet He sent one of His own ministers. –a young man, ruddy faced and clear eyed. “I’ll go and have a prayer with him,” he said. “I don’t think that will do any good,” I replied wearily. He’s only a baby. He won’t understand.”
“Oh, that won’t matter,” he replied,
disregarding my feeble protests. He went upstairs. Light shone in his eyes. I saw his joyfulness, and I believed. For joy is the heavenly “O.K.” on the inner life of power.
Joy called forth my faith.
The minister placed his hands upon the baby’s ears and said, “Now you close your eyes and go to sleep I’m going to ask God to come into your ears and make them well, and when you wake up you’ll be all right.”
Within hours, it happened! He was well!
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