Sunday School: Family Praise

The Lord inhabits our praises. So the mighty God “lives in or dwells in” us – manifests himself as we praise.
A Methodist Army chaplain Merlin Carothers discovered this truth
following World war 2 when telling his men of the reality of God’s presence.
Many were at the end of their resources with alcohol, marriage and
financial problems.
He told of praising God in all situations bringing God’s amazing intervention.
Once his caravan overturned dragging the car and spilling the family possessions down an embankment.
Merlin’s praise response in the midst of the debris shocked the policeman who was amazed that they were not injured.
Merlin’s 20 year old daughter exclaimed “Really, Dad you are too much, but I do love you.”
The blessing?
The next day they were on the road with an identical station wagon and insurance money to cover the caravan costs
This time all the family united to praise God.
This true story is for your Devotions, Bible Study and Sunday School class.
Learn more in the Prayer Pages. Download The Big Picture: Praise Draws God for free.
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