Sunday School: Nicodemus
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Night Secrets - No one noticed….
Night Secrets - No one noticed….
It was quite dark at night when Nicodemus kept in the shadows of the pathway to where Jesus stayed.
Nicodemus was a rich Pharisee and Pharisees were mostly too proud to follow Jesus.
But Nicodemus was different.
He liked Jesus teaching.
He said, “Surely Jesus is very great.”
Jesus welcomed Nicodemus and the ruler said to Jesus,
“I know you are from God. No one could do the miracles you do unless God was with him.”
So Jesus replied, “Unless a person is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God,”
Nicodemus was puzzled. He asked, “How can a person be born when he is grown up?”
Can he be a baby again?”
Jesus was meaning a person could be born again in their heart—not their body.
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