Bible Study: Thomas Believes

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Jesus’ friends were having a secret meeting in the upstairs room because they didn’t want to be arrested too.
The doors and even the windows were locked for safety.
Thomas was there too.
Then another strange thing happened. Jesus was suddenly there in the room and he noticed Thomas immediately. ” Thomas.’ he said, ‘Put your finger into my hands and side.”
Thomas could see for himself that Jesus was alive.
Then another strange thing happened. Jesus was suddenly there in the room and he noticed Thomas immediately. ” Thomas.’ he said, ‘Put your finger into my hands and side.”
Thomas could see for himself that Jesus was alive.
He felt so ashamed. He fell at Jesus feet and apologized.
But Jesus said, “You only believe in me because you’ve seen me…
The people who believe in me but don’t see me will be greatly blessed.”
That means you and me.
We believe even though we can’t see Jesus with or eyes.
But Jesus said, “You only believe in me because you’ve seen me…
The people who believe in me but don’t see me will be greatly blessed.”
That means you and me.
We believe even though we can’t see Jesus with or eyes.
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