Sunday School: God's Seed Grows

He described people who wonder what to do about God’s message.
There are four kinds of people.
Can you tell which one describes you? (Mark 4:13-2)
Remember God is the gardener;
the message about Jesus is the seed;
The gardener sows the seed into the ground –that describes
God planting his message into our lives—us.
1.Some people are like the seed dropped on the path. The birds come and eat the seed, so the plant doesn’t grow. Like the eaten seeds God’s message doesn’t stay or grow in some lives - it disappears.
2. Some people are like the stony ground where the seed grows for a little while but when the sun shines hot the plant dies. These people are God’s friends for a little while but soon forget.
3. The thorny ground where the weeds grow strong and squeeze out the good plants are like some who think so much about their worries and what they wantthat God’s friendship gets squeezed out.
4. The good soil grows plants so strong that they produce 30, 60 or 100 times more than was planted. Some of us are like that. You can get stronger every year until everyone can see God in you. Go for it!
Learn more on the Kids Pages. Download Life Plus: God's Like a Gardener for free.
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