Devotions: What the Brave Captain Did

“Quick, lad!” he shouted, “Down the rope!”
The boy didn’t need to be told twice, in a moment he was over the side of the ship into the last available space in the lifeboat.
“Come on,” shouted the men to the captain, not wanting to leave him behind.
But the captain knew one extra person in the boat would capsize it and they all would drown.
“Push off!” he shouted above the storm.
The sailors and the dirty young boy knew that the captain died so that the boy would be safe.
The boy always remembered what the brave captain did.
Jesus suffered and died for us too
so that our lives could have God’s power.
“Push off!” he shouted above the storm.
The sailors and the dirty young boy knew that the captain died so that the boy would be safe.
The boy always remembered what the brave captain did.
Jesus suffered and died for us too
so that our lives could have God’s power.
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