Prayer: Keep on Asking

The cleaner said it would be open again tomorrow.
Just as Jill was turning sadly away, James said,
“Could we skate for a while as you clean? We won’t get in your way.”
“Well, alright,” the cleaner answered.
That’s how Jill and James got to skate that afternoon. All because James asked.
Jesus told a story about asking.
He said a man had visitors late one night and they were very hungry.
So the man decided to ask his neighbour for food but he had already gone to bed.
As he banged on the door his neighbour looked out his window and said, “Go, away, it’s too late.”
But the friend kept knocking and in the end the neighbour got out of bed and went to get some bread to give to the man who kept knocking on his door.
Jesus said it will work for you the same way if you keep on asking God for what you want.
Luke 11:5-10
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